Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Episode 2: Wizard Wars

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David, Noel, and Michael visit Saint Louis with Thundarr and the gang. There's a head in a jar, killer elevators, and a fish-man to talk about in the second season episode, "Wizard Wars."

Behold, the most Jack Kirby moment of the episode!


  1. Great episode, guys! Watching "Wizard Wars" before listening to your show, I was reminded that one of the things that really sets Thundarr apart is that it features new villains each episode. Typically its contemporaries (outside of 'toons based on comic book characters who featured their rogue's gallery) had a recurring villain and his henchman (Skeletor, Cobra Commander, Gargamel etc.). Having a new baddie every time out helps to keep things fresh.

    It was interesting to learn that Thundarr was sort of at the vanguard of pushing that line in terms of what was acceptable re: action/violence and darker themes. It might seem ridiculous through contemporary eyes, but just go back and look at 70s animated TV. The focus was almost strictly humor, not action. We tend to think that the hallmark of 80s animated television was the synergy with merchandising (the result of relaxed regulations), but perhaps it's actually the more mature approach it took to topics like violence, death and drugs (highlighted by the famous Bravestarr episode "The Price", which dealt w/drugs, addiction and death in a very powerful way).

    As for "Wizard Wars", I enjoyed the imagination on display. Skullus being a disembodied head carried around by his underlings doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it's fun. And while a villain named Octagon really should've had 8 arms, it was still a cool design that they made good use of. Thundarr is as single-minded as ever, but that sort of simple hero works best in a complicated world IMO. That juxtaposition between a strange, nuanced world and a hero who answers every question by punching it in the mouth is fun and true to its pulp forefathers.

    Anyway, enough from me. See you on the next one!

  2. Great point about the new villains each episode. It's absolutely true that that's a novelty, but I've been taking it for granted in our discussions. Thanks for pointing that out!
